Wednesday, 4 April 2018
Friday, 30 March 2018
Literature View
What is Literature? How it shaped me?
As per my point of view in my life there are many 'changes' comes through the literature. My personal experience is that after study literature i have gained many different ideas about, ' feminism' and 'patriarchal'. Literature also teach us both side of the life, good as well as bad. There are some terms in the literature which helps us to read character through which we study whole life of any character.
Literature is like a best friend, because it always stay with us, in our bad time and also in our good time. It provide us the material related to any situation. Literature is not just imaginative stories written in leisure time only for entertainment. But it is reflection of time, place and society in which we are living. Literature is mirror or photographic image of society. equally literature is also an x ray image portraying ugly, darker sides of society.
Still, whatever definition we try to give literature will remain incomplete because its exactly like 5-7 blind men defining Elephant, by touching it. Whatever aspect they will touch upon, will define like that.So, lets it leave it aside and come back to the point.
The novels which we are studied in M.A. it also some how helped in our life. It also gives the moral of life. Recently we have study about the J.K. Rowling's novel, 'Harry Potter'. It is a part of children's literature, but it also gave some moral lesson to the elders. The another one is that Dr. Faustus also gives the moral message for the life.
literature shaped me in the way of my thinking process. From the narrow mind to broader way of thinking it is a sign of improvement by the literature in our life.
2) Last supper - Da Vinci Code
Painting: The Last Supper
The Last Supper is the final meal that, in the Gospel accounts, Jesus shared with his Apostles in Jerusalem before his Crucifixion The Last Supper is commemorated by Christians especially on Mundy Thursday The Last Supper provides the scriptural basis for the Eucharist also known as "Holy Communion" or "The Lord's Supper".
The First Epistle to the Corinthians contains the earliest known mention of the Last Supper. The four canonical Gospels all state that the Last Supper took place towards the end of the week, after Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem and that Jesus and his Apostles shared a meal shortly before Jesus was crucified at the end of that week. During the meal Jesus predicts his betrayal by one of the Apostles present, and foretells that before the next morning, Peter will deny knowing him.
The three Synoptic Gospels and the First Epistle to the Corinthians include the account of the institution of the Eucharist in which Jesus takes bread, breaks it and gives it to the Apostles, saying "This is my body given to you".The Gospel of John does not include this episode, but tells of Jesus washing the feet of the Apostles, giving the new commandment "to love one another as I have loved you", and has a detailed farewell discourse by Jesus, calling the Apostles who follow his teachings "friends and not servants", as he prepares them for his departure
This is the source from the google but it is a very controversy painting in the world. Jesus took his last meal with his disciple that is the day of celebration. Jesus do the kiss to one of his disciple it is captured by one painter in his painting. The question raised about that the disciple was he/she? and if it is she then who is she? She is the wife of Jesus? or the other one? that kind of question comes in our mind. And also it hurts the religion and its blind followers. In the movie Da Vinci Code there is also question on the grave of Mary Magdalen, who is she? and what is the elation between the Jesus and Mary? that kind of question raised by some Atheist so in many that book was banned to sell.
1) Waxen Winged father and son, and Fall of Icarus - Dr. Faustus
The another story of the character Dr.Faustus related with the story of Icarus. To gain Waxen Wings he was become powerful and so that he has such kind of pride on his wings that with it he can do anything and also he reach anywhere. Like that Dr. Faustus also have such pride on his knowledge that he knows everything. But after some time his strength becomes course for him. His knowledge is ruin his life. He bag for his life in front of God. So it is the fall Of Dr. Faustus like a fall of Icarus.
Online Discussion 3: Education System: Class in Forest
respected sir,

Here i am shared my point of view about the nowadays education system. we all
know that the education system is very different and also we can say
that very difficult in nowadays. in this article we see that the image
about the various animals in one class. the teacher give one task to all
animals that is, ' climb up the tree'. we all know that the monkey is
very fast to climb up to tree, but on the other side we see that the
elephant , fish they not to climb the tree so conclusion is that all
students have not same ability to achieve the goal. different students
have different skills to done the work. so we can not judge them with
only one task. and in the last we can say that all students not get 100%
in the exam. but if some student get lesser mark in the exam and he/she
also good into another skill so we can not say that he/she was poor in
Thank You...
OD1: Atheism and Morality
thank you sir for sharing this article.

this article we know that what is perspective of reader and writer. And
what they believe in God and such kind of supernatural power. By this
article we know that non-believers and atheist have no morals. In the
different ages there were some different people who have their own
independent way of thinking. We also know by this article that in the
Ancient time some Greek and Roman philosophers do not believes in their
God and also rejects the idea of hell and heaven. some Hindu people are
also do not believe in God like, Gautama Buddha, Mahavira and Charvaka.
By this article we know that all human have their own morality. And they
also don't considered God to be the creator of universe.
: Online Discussion: Post-truth: The Word of the Year 2016
respected sir,
I want to share here the oxford dictionary meaning about the word "Post - truth" - relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.

that is very interesting concept, i ever read. we see that there were facts, logic and reasons. but that all are personal thinking of someone. nowadays we see that the people who are in the power they can prove them slaves without any logic and reasons. that is called "post truth". And on the side we can see that the people who are not in power they can not prove them slaves without any logic and reasons.
example for, in the murder case we see that the actual criminal was in power so they can not blamed for the crime, but if the poor people blamed for such kind of murder so they give some logic and reasons for the bail though they was right but no one can believe that it is truth.
Thank You...
Thursday, 29 March 2018
Movie Review: " Hindi Medium "
Movie Review of Bollywood Movie: Hindi Medium

Directed by: Saket Chaudhary
Produced by: Dinesh Vijan, Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar
- Hindi Medium is a 2017 Indian comedy-drama film, written by Zeenat Lakhani and directed by Saket Chaudhaary. The film stars are Irrfan Khan and Saba Qamar in the lead role with, Dipak Dobriyal in a supporting role.
- Movie starts with the characters named Raj and Mita's love story. In Present story Raj was a rich businessman from Delhi lived with his wife named Mita. They both studied in Hindi Medium school, but now they want that their five years old child Pia to be admitted in one of the top school of Delhi. For to get admission in the top school of Delhi they tried various things, but none of the tricks were successes.
- Here we see that how the parents are tried hard for their children admission in the school which is top of the town. The top schools of the town took a thousands of money for the admission. Many poor people wants to study at there but they can't and some of like Raj and Mita who with the illegal way take admission of his daughter into the top school.
- They also tried to be a poor, and so that they leave the big house and going to stay with a poor people. After get an admission the again go to the big house and live happily. One of his poor friend named Shyam got the hint about they are not poor but rich, he get hurt to know that truth. After know the reality he ask to him that, 'why you play with our emotion?' he just replied that we are doing this kind of illegal activity because of our child's good future.
- His wife Mita think that with the medium of English Language, her daughter becomes bright in study. So they take this risk for her loving daughter. She also think that the Hindi Medium only for the poor people and it is not used for to increase our brightness level in study.
- After some time with some issues their daughter was expelled by the principal from the top school. Now they have no choice to admit their daughter into the public school, there were the mass of children's which was also belongs from the poor family. Raj and Mita saw the condition of that school and think to contribute some money to the school education. They also decided that now their daughter also study in the same school with the poor children's.
- Because at there they saw that students want to learn but the primary things are not there. So, they want some makeover for to change education system. There is not any fact like Hindi Medium students are poor in study and English Medium students are very bright in study. That all are same in their comfort medium.
- Here we also see in the movie that class conflict between that poor and rich people. Rich becomes rich and poor becomes poor. That is not talk about any foreign country but it is held in our own country. Writer into his script do satire on the nowadays condition of the society. In movie we also see that more use of make fun on the condition of poor people. Director described well in his movie. It is the reflection of the Modern India.
Thank You....
Oliver Twist: Carles Dickens
Charles Dickens's novel Oliver Twist.
I have studied this novel in my post graduation. In this novel there were representation reality of Victorian Age and the condition of the society. The term Dickensian is used to describe something that is reminiscent of Dickens and his writings, such as poor social conditions or comically repulsive characters.
If we look at the novel it is all about the industrialization and the effect of revolution. The condition of poor and the children represent here into the novel. Industrialization into the society.
Here Dickens put the protagonist as a child named Oliver Twist. He doing struggle against the society and he also passes through the evil adventures held into the society. He also lost his family, but at last he gain again his family. Oliver also fight against the manager of Workshop, criminals, and enemies of society.
Dickens play a role as a social reformer in the 'Oliver Twist' , and he also presents the condition of child labor who works into the workshops. That was the era where the Children going for work at workshop instead of going to school.It represent the poor condition of poor and uneducated people. Dickens gives an idea about the mental and physical condition of the child labor.
He presented the poverty and helplessness people who worked at the company where they gain less money for their hard work. At that time London has two parts into it, one is poor and second is rich. The condition is opposite from each other rich becomes rich and poor becomes poor. That is the reason behind the criminal activities, prostitution and illegal activities increase in the society.
Dickens here in the novel presents the harsh reality of the society, and he also works as social reformer in some of the novel.
Thank You ....
Wednesday, 14 March 2018
Writing style of Charles Dickens
The novelist of Victorian Age: Charles Dickens (1812-1870)
Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens was a very famous novelist in the Victorian Age. His most popular works written into the format of magazine, he also worked as a post of manager in the editor;s office. In his works we see that the reflection of real society. He also faced the harshness of society, and experienced the evil side of society. He was the victim of the evil democracy and modernism.
Narrative style of Dickens:
Dickens' biographer said that, he as the greatest creator of character in English fiction after Shakespeare.His characters live into the readers mind forever. Other thing about his writing style is, autobiographical elements. Authors draws the picture of the characters as they meet them in real. In that way Dickens used this technique in his works.
His writing is all about the episodic writing. Mainly he belong from this writing style so he put that style in his novel also. 'The Old Curiosity Cup' is the great example about the episode writing. Another one is that social commentary. In this style of writing he reflects the whole Victorian society. The literary technique he also reveals the darker side of the Victorian society. He wrote about the ugly truth of the society. In his works, 'The Old Curiosity Cup' , and ' Oliver Twist' we see that through the character of little boy Dickens describes the ugly truth of the society.
Many of his works were adapted for the stage during his own lifetime, and as early as 1913, a silent film of The Pickwick Papers was made. He created some of the World's best -Known fictional characters and is regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian Age.
He also wrote in various technique in his other works, the notable works are ' A Christmas Carol', 'David Copperfield', ' Hard Times', 'A Tale of two Cities', ' Great expectation'. These are the notable works of Dickens.
Thank you....
Tuesday, 13 March 2018
Selected Ods: John Keats
Selected Ods : John Keats ( 1795- 1821).
John Keats was a very famous figure in the Romantic Age. He was one of the perfect Romantic poet in English Literature. He was famous for his works on various Ods. He becomes famous after his death and so that he lives in our memory for a longer time. He also wrote famous sonnet on, "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer". During 1820 he suffers from tuberculosis. The last days of his life he pretends into The Rome.
Here i shared various Ods by John Keats:
1) Ode on a Grecian Urn:
In the first stanza, the speaker stands
before an ancient Grecian urn and addresses it. He is preoccupied with
its depiction of pictures frozen in time.
In the second stanza, the speaker looks at another picture on the urn, this time of a young man playing a pipe, lying with his lover beneath a glade of trees. The speaker says that the piper’s “unheard” melodies are sweeter than mortal melodies because they are unaffected by time.
In the third stanza, he looks at the trees surrounding the lovers and feels happy that they will never shed their leaves. He is happy for the piper because his songs will be “for ever new,” and happy that the love of the boy and the girl will last forever, unlike mortal love, which lapses into “breathing human passion” and eventually vanishes, leaving behind only a “burning forehead, and a parching tongue.”
In the fourth stanza, the speaker examines another picture on the urn, this one of a group of villagers leading a heifer to be sacrificed.
2) Ode to a Psyche:
Ode on a Psyche is written in the Spring time. It is an experiment in ode genre. In this sonnets we see that beautiful dramatic scenes. The season is spring and at that time the beauty of the Nature is sprout.
3) Ode to Autumn:
Ode to Autumn is a final work of Keat's collection of poems. It called as 'Keats' 1819 Odes'. This work is a part of his memory. One day he walk somewhere at the Evening , he describes this thing in his poem. After the publication of this poem he died in Rome.
Thank you...
OD- 3 How far can you agree or disagree with the views expressed in this article? Cultural Studies and Postcolonialism
"Stop telling Sharmeens and Adigas to Photoshop reality".
That is the article taken from the Times of India.
Click here to view given article on Times of India.
In this online discussion we see that there is the interesting topic on the 'Practice of honor killing'. Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy’s Academy Award for her documentary, A Girl in the River. In which she also talking about horror of acid attack, and also talking about honor of killing into the country like Pakistan. This documentary is also based on the honor of Killing in the country of Pakistan. Sharmeen's first Oscar award winning documentary film, A Girl in the River, portrayed a negative side of India.
In many works of Indian writer there were the main themes of the Negative sides of an India. Many critics do not like these kind of things about their own country. They some times rejects the works because it shows readers ugly India. When Arvind Adiga's White Tiger won the Booker prize for his novel, the educated and sophisticated people think that, the book reflects the 'Negative Image of India.'
As well as in other writers work we saw that the harsh reality about India. In the field movie, Many of the filmmaker chooses the theme on the poverty in India or Corruption in India, they also make movies on the true story about the Acid attack on the girl, honor killing etc. When we talking about the film, 'Slumdog Milliner' there were also we see that the poverty in India and harsh reality of India. Many of the readers say that why writers do that? why they catch the photos about ugly India in their works. Why can’t they hide our flaws and emphasize our virtues so we can win the respect and admiration of western societies?
The views over this documentary film is that why Sharmeen make this kind of documentary film on the truth of our society? Instead of this topic she has take many other topic to expressed in her documentary about beauty in our country, but why she did this? But there were many other people who clearly understand about this harsh reality of our society, and they wants to stop that. Shermeen's film has prompted Nawaz Sharif to say that the practice of honor killings in Pakistan should come to an end.
The artists, the writers and others purpose is only to write truth about their country, they have no right to show the shiny things and happy image about their country. Wrote the truth about their country it is their job. We have not any right to ask them why they choose this topic to represent their own country. They have have freedom to choose their topic. 'A Girl in the River, ' film are about truly heroic Pakistani women — women who have suffered appalling cruelty and oppression but who have refused to be silenced. In telling their stories to the world, they have fought back and exposed injustice. These are genuine stories of triumph over adversity. In the case of Malala we see that she was fought against the girl child education. Malala embodies that story. The Nation should be proud on such a woman in their country.
It is no secret that hundreds of women are murdered every year for honor, yet it’s taken the buzz that Sharmeen’s single film has generated abroad to prompt Nawaz Sharif’s avowal to put an end to honor killings at home and embolden Imran Khan to publicly decry the practice.
Why else would readers demand that only ‘positive’ images be projected to that audience? In our society the readers wants to know about the goody things about the nation. They didn't think that what is the actual image of our country. We have to fight our battles, celebrate our heroes and tell our stories truthfully.
Saturday, 10 March 2018
OD- 2 : Contemporary Debates and Mario Vargos Llosa
Contemporary Debates and Mario Vargos Llosa
Click here to view Contemporary Debates and Mario Vargos Llos
Mario Vargas Llosa was a Peruvian writer. He was politician, journalist, a collage professor. He was popular with his various opinion on the issues like, 'liberals', 'nationalism', 'populism', 'greatest challenge to Democracy', 'intellectual honesty', 'literature and morality', political correctness.
With his new book, ‘The Call of the Tribe,’ he promotes liberal thought and pays tribute to seven authors who embrace it. They are Adam Smith, José Ortega y Gasset, Friedrich von Hayek, Karl Popper, Raymond Aron, Isaiah Berlin and Jean-François Revel. In his new book we saw that there were his thought upon the Marxist and Existentialist beginnings through to his endorsement of liberalism .
According to Mario Fascism and Communism have attacked on liberalism strongly. Liberalism has targeted by ideologist that are enemies of freedom and which justifiably consider liberalism to be their most tenacious adversary.
Other things are that about nationalism. The small country and the community never developed without the democracy and nationalism. It leads with the democracy. Where everyone is the same and speak a same language at that time democracy will developed. That kind of idea with nationalism told by Mario.
As a politician Mario said that the political correctness was not healthy for the democracy of the nation. It leads human being with the wrong way and they also lead us at the destruction of the truth. It is harmful for the freedom because at there the rejection of truth and authenticity.
Thank you...
Friday, 9 March 2018
Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes
Sense of an Ending : Julian Barnes
Click here to view given task:
The Sense of an Ending is a novel by Julian Barnes and in which we see the main theme was theory of fiction. Here the novel begins with someones past memory, which is not at all reliable. Narrator of the part one Tony himself not faithful with his own memory. This novel leads with the memory and at the end of the novel secret was revile but the memory was unfaithful to the readers. Some questions was being unfold at the end of the novel. So, we don't know about the truth at the end of the novel.
1) What is the meaning of phrase ‘Blood Money’ in Veronica’s reply email?
The Phrase 'Blood Money' play a vital role in this novel. These two words are written into the Veronica's mail, to Tony. When Sarah Ford died she leaves 500 pounds and Adrian's dairy in her will, which is directly goes to Veronica after the death of Sarah Ford. One major reason behind it is that, Sarah was very happy with this relationship, with Adrian. So she just wants to say thanks to Tony and give him that 500 pound and Adrian's dairy. Sarah was living very happy life with Adrian. The word 'Blood Money' symbolize here with the suicide of Adrian. Sarah become pregnant by Adrian so that Adrian committed suicide. After the death of Sarah Veronica thinks that this money somehow connected with the Adrian's death, so she called it 'Blood Money'.
2) How do you decipher the equation: b = s – v x/+ a1 or a2 + v + a1 X s = b?
Here in the novel the relationship between the characters described with the Methodological Puzzle. In the dairy of Adrian we saw that kind of equation but Tony can't understand it well. There is hidden massage in this puzzle by Adrian. After meet with the Sarah what happened in his life he tell all the things with this equation. May be there were some hidden truth about Adrian suicide and the secret of the baby child. Here is the simple thing which related with each characters first latter.
B= Baby
S= Sarah
A1= Adrian
A2= Antony
First equation is about the relationship between the mother, daughter and daughter's lover and the questionable existence of baby. Veronica's nature not good with her mother so that after meet with Adrian, Sarah minus her relation with her daughter Veronica. When Adrian meet Sarah then they living happily life together. So, one reason is that the result behind that relationship baby's was arrival. And at there were we saw that the absence of Antony.
Second equation starts with the story line. First Tony meets Veronica, then he introduced her with his friend Adrian. When Adrian and Veronica live together Tony wrote a latter to Adrian that to know about Veronica's nature from her mother. Then he goes to Sarah at there he fall in love with Sarah. Both are living together and so that Sarah was pregnant. So that Adrian committed suicide and the Baby comes into existence. Here we saw that the presence of Antony into the equation.
At the end we can say that Tony was only chain of responsibility for that. Because of Tony, Sarah and Adrian meet. The Indian Karmic philosophy we connected here because the Karma only depend on your good karma or bad karma. If we suffers a lot in our life it is also based on our karma.
3) Adrian’s diary is willed to Tony by Sarah Ford. Why did Sarah Ford own it? Why was it in the possession of Veronica?
Sarah Ford willed to Tony Adrian's dairy because she told him to thanks for giving such happiness in her life. Sarah had relationship with the Adrian so she own his dairy. After the death of Sarah Ford her will was possession to Veronica so Adrian's dairy later on own to Veronica.
4) Was the mentally retarded middle aged ‘Adrian’, Tony’s friend who did not commit suicide and was suffering from trauma and thus gone mad, and was living with hidden identity?
The scene when Tony talking with someone in pub about his friend Adrian, we think that the middle aged 'Adrian', is actually a Tony's friend who suffering from trauma and thus gone mad, maybe he was living life with hidden identity. Or other side Tony thinks that he was the Adrian and Veronica's child. Talking with the man Tony know that Veronica was not his mother but his sister. After knowing that Tony looking with another side that some relation between the Sarah and Adrian. But he never understand that he was their baby or actually his friend Tony.
5) How was Veronica related to Adrian, the one suffering in care-in-the-community?
Adrian and Sarah fall in love with each other. After some time Sarah becomes pregnant with the Adrian. He was in guilt so he committed suicide. After that Sarah gives birth to baby boy, and gives his name also 'Adrian'. Because of the late aged pregnancy the child born with some fault. After the death of Sarah Veronica only one who tack care of him. Because of the Blood relation with him, after all he was his brother. Veronica regularly visits to suffering in care-in -the community because the tacking care of her brother or may be we can say that her lover Adrian.
6) Do you see any missing block – some dot which is not getting connected with the whole or dot missing to get full sense of the novel - in the plot of this psychological thriller?
This novel is about psychological thriller. By reading this novel we feel that there were some missing block between the story. Because the novel had written on someones memory, so it is not reliable. When narrator tell us a story in between he lost into the trivia kind of things to tell readers. Throughout the novel many questions raised in our mind, but it is not solved at the end of the novel. The questions like,
1) Suicide of Robson
2) Tony breaks the relation with Veronica
3) Adrian's suicide
4) Adrian already in love with Veronica then why he fall in love with Sarah?
5) What Veronica do when she know about Adrian and her mother relation?
6) Why Veronica still not get marry with someone? and tacking care of Sarah's son?
That type of series of questions in my mind after reading the novel. Julian Barnes also not given any clearly answer to these questions. There are missing block – some dot which is not getting connected with the whole or dot missing to get full sense of the novel - in the plot of this psychological thriller.
Do you see any possible reason in the suicide
of Adrian Finn?
Sarah becomes pregnant because of Adrian, so that he committed suicide that is the open ended sentence in the novel by simply reading. But when we think deeply about their relationship, there was a huge age difference between the Adrian and Sarah. Adrian feel guilt about that he was only 20 or 22 so that relation turn in wrong way so he committed suicide.
8) In the light of new revelations, how do you read character of Veronica? Instinctive, manipulative, calculating, stubborn, haughty, sacrificial, trustworthy, Good Samaritan?
The revelation of the character of Veronica we see at the end of the novel. In the beginning of the novel according to Tony the character of Veronica is manipulative, calculating, stubborn, haughty. But the secret reveal at the end of the novel. Veronica tack care of the baby of Adrian and Sarah, she didn't get married with anyone. So at the end of the novel her character reveal as a sacrificial and trustworthy.
9) What do you mean by Unreliable Narrator? Is Tony Webster classifiable as Unreliable Narrator?
The meaning of the word Unreliable Narrator that we can not trust on the memory of narrator. The narrator himself not trust on his memory. The moments which is already becomes past and now we try to remember that thing as it is happened in the past that is not possible. Tony recalls his memory from his past but he can not exactly try to think in structure, and he was not sure with his memory. The novel start with the line,
“I remember, in no particular order: —a shiny inner wrist;”
It is said by Tony about his own memory.
I can’t be sure of the actual events anymore; I can at least be true to the impressions those facts left. That’s the best I can manage.”
That is the other example into the novel about the Unreliable Narrator. Tony not remember the things which is important to connect the dots with the story, but he exactly know the trivia things with the time, date and place. So we can say that Tony was Unreliable narrator.
Thank you...
Tuesday, 6 March 2018
The Nightingale and The Rose: Oscar Wilde
The Nightingale and The Rose: Oscar Wilde
About the Author:
Oscar Wilde was an Irish poet and writer. Throughout the 1880s he gives his best works to English literature.After that he was known as London's best playwrights. He also famous for his epigram, play and novel.
He introduced his parents were Anglo-Irish Dublin intellectual. Wilde read so many famous writers in his young days, and it is also proves in his career. His master piece work is, 'The importance of being Ernest'.
About the Novel:
The novel is about the sacrifice of nightingale and a desire of a boy to want a red rose. The boy who has decided to dance with the professor's daughter in the party, but the girl put there one condition that if you bring a red rose for me then i will be dance with you.
The boy was wiping near his room's window, because he can't dance with his girlfriend since of the red rose. After hearing someones crying the four natural elements comes from him and said that tell me your problem. When tells his problems to the green lizard, a butterfly, a daisy and a nightingale three of them think that it is ridiculous, but the forth one nightingale was serious in that case. She wants to help the little boy anyhow.
Nightingale does not found any red rose into the garden, but the other color of rose give a solution to make a red rose. But there were also one condition that if nightingale gives her blood from the heart and also sing a song for the rose tree then it gives the red rose to boy. Nightingale ready to do this for the boy and his desire to go to party with his girlfriend.
This is the process to make a red rose from the rose tree and it remain whole night. Next morning the boy plugged a red rose from his garden, for his girlfriend. With the red rose boy went to the girl and give her a red rose but she denied to take it because it is not matched with her dress. She accepted the jewellery given by other rich boy and then the boy failed to convincing her to do dance with him.
He threw the red rose into a gutter and going to his room. After that the cart was passing over the red rose and it was crashed under cart. The boy starting reading the books, he read logic and philosophy rather than emotion of love.
The story converted into the tragic and of the Nightingale. We learn something from the nature that it "sacrifice" for us. The boy was reveled as a self centered and carefree nature. When he has not red rose he eagerly want it, but when he can't dance with the girl he threw it in a gutter. Boy forgot the sacrifice of the nightingale.
According to Oscar Wilde the real sacrifice is , 'for one you love and care most', nightingale love the boy so she gives her life to rose tree and make a red rose for him. Boy can't understand in his case that the girl can't dance with him then it's not wrong but because of love you do "sacrifice" for her.
Thank you...
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To Evaluate my presentation Click here. Presentation 13 from Drashti Nagla