Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Thinking activity on the novel, 'The White Tiger'

Thinking Activity on 'The White Tiger'


Here i am sharing the link for given task.

'The White Tiger' - Aravind Adiga

Image result for The white tiger book by arvind adiga 

 The White Tiger novel by Indian writer Aravind Adiga. He won the 40th man booker prize in 2008 for his well known novel,'The White Tiger'. The protagonist or narrator of the novel, Balram Halwai. At the beginning of the novel he introduced himself as a rickshaw driver and then he tells his success story, How he become rag to rich?  He tels his story by the  series of latters to wen Jiabao, The Chinese Premier who has come to Bangalore on an official assignment.  


In the novel Balram Halwai himself said that 'I am half backed Indian'. This sentence itself presents that India represent in the novel. Adiga in his novel portrays about the two sides of India, 1) Dark side 2) Light side. The narrator of the novel, Balram only talk about some parts of India, not all over India.So, we can not trust on him in everything said by him. Here in this novel India presented according to Adiga's perspective not according to Indian people. What they think about and they see India. Each coin has two sides, there were also bad things as well as also good things.But in the novel we see that Adiga criticize on various aspects of India like, politics, education system, traditional marriage, religion, land lords, corruption etc...


We surely say that Balram's story is the archetype of all stories of 'Rags to  Riches'. But not every people doing same like Balram Halwai. Indian people more emotional than practical. So that no more people as strong like Balram to doing that kind of struggle in his life. Many people become a good and well known in the society with their hard word, intelligence and some luck. For Example, movie named Malamal Weekly, the poor man accidentally got the lottery ticket and he becomes, 'Rag to Rich'. So, with his good luck he becomes  rich and won jackpot. 


Yes, this text also called as deconstructive. in the beginning of the novel author himself said about protagonist that, 'This book is auto-biography of half backed Indian'. So, we can say that Adiga criticizes upon the side of dark India. Because he only experience, not with the others point of view. We see into the novel that narrow view of Aravind Adiga for India.


Yes, it is possible to read 'The White Tiger' in the context of globalization. Because author in his novel talks about one poor man named Balram who also becomes rich because of globalization. The novel describes the relation of poor/rich , master/slave between the Mr. Ashok and Balram. In the environment of globalization this kind of relationship build between the people. Rich people control over power on poor people. Balram was a example of he was newcomer in the globalization. He put himself before his family for his personal growth. There were two aspects of globalization that, 'Eat/ Eaten away' This means that you have to take your food/money otherwise you will become someone's food.

With this way many people have done some wrong thing in their life, to become rich, and reach at the top, becomes successful in his globalized society. 

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Thinking Activity on the novel One Night @ The Call Center.

Thinking Activity of the novel: One Night @ The Call Center.

Here i am sharing blog link to given task.

One Night @ The Call Center

 One Night @ The Call Center is a very popular novel by Chetan Bhagat. It is published in 2005. The novel is about the six main characters, who works into one call center. The setting of the novel is center in Gurgaon (Gurugaon), Hariyana,India. This novel is about one night, at the call center. There were many elements in the novel, some elements are like,

  1. Self help book 
  2. Syberpunk 
  3. Populer Literature 
  4. Nationalism 
  5. Effect of Globalization 
  6. Cpmparision with 'Life of Pi'

1). ON@TCC as a Self Help Book

This novel by Chetan Bhagat, is very popular in nowadays. Self help book is very important in readers life. It is gives us moral lessons, solution of problem, and also help in built our personal philosophy. The self help book is also about the popular psychology of relationship and humans and their minds condition. Self help book is helpful to improve readers present condition. In the prologue the writer ask the readers three question about

1) Your fear

2) What makes you Anger

3) what you don't like about Yourself

In the novel there is also element of God who gives the moral message to all six characters. It also helps the six characters to lesson their inner voice. So, these description shows that it is a self help of book.

2). ON@TCC as a cyberpunk

This novel is connected with the science and technology. In the novel we saw that there is much use of technology and science. The all characters are the users of high technology. All the characters some how connected with the computers and other technology. So, this novel called as cyberpunk novel.

3). ON@TCC as Popular literature

Nowadays the writer wrote about the current condition of youth and its situation. Chetan Bhagat is very famous for its popular literature. He also wrote about the condition of six characters who doing their job at one call center. Popular literature is also about love- break up relation, and in the novel we also so that relation between Priyanka and Shyam. It shows the condition of young India, so we also call it popular literature.

4). Narrative structure of the novel and compare with the movie Life of Pi

The narrative pattern of the movie and novel is similar in both. The epilogue and prologue is interested in both. In the movie and novel there were the element of God is similar. In the movie the main character named Pi also experienced with the God, and other side in the novel the all six characters also experienced with God when they are in trouble. The movie is more classical rather than the novel. This novel is known as 'Dramedy'. Pi also give statement that, 'Maturity does't come with age, its come with experience'. The end of the movie is so attractive rather than the novel.

Thank you...

Sunday, 21 January 2018

Thinking Activity on ELT based videos

Thinking Activity on ELT based videos 

  here i am sharing the link given task

Video 1 :- Sir Ken Robinson : Changing Paradigm

 In this video Sir Ken Robinson talking about the education system held into the society. He was not in a favor of education system held into the society, and he give the arguments against it. He argued on this topic that the education system changed on the main into two things, it is culture and economy. The cultural position and economical position is very important into society. So, we can see that the only purpose of public education is that to make student at higher position in education and also make them higher position into culture and economically. Our traditional education system is so different from nowadays education system. In traditional way of education there were students only learn about their main subject and nowadays the students can learn whatever they want. 
In this video Ken talking about 'divergent thinking'. It is the main focus of the video. /many teachers and parents are thinks that with the divergent thinking students did not get focus on their studies. But Ken said that with divergent thinking students becomes creative in ideas and thinking. They can improve themselves with the divergent thinking.
We can also say that there is be possible of isolated learning to collaborative learning, active learning to interactive learning. Students becomes users to creators and contributors.  
 Video 2  :- Sugata Mitra: School in the Cloud - SOLE 

Video 3 :- Sugata Mitra:- Future of Learning

 In this second video Sugata Mitra talking about his project named,'School in the cloud- SOLE'. Learning lab in India and also in England. This project was mainly based on the cloud means Internet students learn from various resources and using more Internet. He gives the full form of SOLE means self organized learning environment. This video is actually talking about self learning.

 He also doing his experiment on various remote areas of India, and also doing his experiment on the children's who was belongs to that areas. At there he organized self learning lab. With that learning lab they can improve their English language, with the use of internet. Students can access internet to anywhere and anytime, so it is called self learning. Future learning is also a part of self learning.

 Video 4 :  Use of Video in Education

This video by Salman Khan and in this video he was talking about that how video play a vital role in education system? Actually students learn from video rather than the traditional classes. When teachers comes for the lectures students getting board, But nowadays teachers comes with the digital material (video) in the classroom so, students didn't get bored.With that students enjoy their learning interestingly. 

Through the video students get harder things to easily. video gives us so many options to learn subject. With the different kinds of videos we can understand easily about the subject. Internet gives us more facilities to show videos, like you tube, we can search for anything and it will give us so many videos about maths,literature , science, and so many things. We can also save the video and also watch later so with that we can save our time and whenever we  want to learn we do. So, it is all dependent on self learning video is very important for the home-schoolers with that they can spend more time with the teachers.

In traditional  education system teachers only busy with their classes and academic work so they can't give us more time to educate. But internet give us one feature named flipped learning. It is also a video learning system. Which is very important for the self learning. Students can pause video when at that time they learning about the things. so, with that teachers give their time to students anywhere and anytime.

video 5 :- Marc Prensky: Digital Natives, Dgital Immigrants

In this video Marc Prensky talking about the digital natives and digital immigrants. One who was born in the digital system and knowledge known as digital natives. Second hand who was not anything knowing about the digital things later on in their life to gain comfort they also doing the use of digital things known as digital immigrants. Present time and the future time also called a time of technology. The new generation growing up with the technology and students also doing self learning with technology. Today's busy life surrounded around the digital tools like computers, T.V, smart phones, video games, laptops, projectors etc...People  do not interested into reading but interesting in playing with digital tools.

Those who was not born into digital world but later on for their fascinated life they adopted many aspects from new technology so, they compared to them with digital immigrants. They take more time to learn. New technology rather than digital natives. In the future time digital natives do not take more time to learn things based on digital. So, it is simple for them. At the last we can say that if digital immigrants wants to learn digital things, they have to change their traditional way of thinking and teaching and they have to learn new methodology of teaching with new technology.

Video 6 :- David Crystal: The effect of new Technologies on English


video 7 :- David Crystal: The Biggest Challenge for English teachers in the times of Internet

 video 8 :- David Crystal : Texting is 'Good' for English language

 Here in three videos we see that David Crystal talking about effect of new technologies an English, and in his second video we can see that the effect of first video that it is a biggest challenge for English teachers in modern time, further we see that in the next video David also talking about texting is 'Good' for English language. Technology always influenced language one on another way like in speaking writing. The main influence of English language on the English teacher it is more challenging for them. Because in the era of internet, teachers may face many problems according to teaching English language. Our exam system is into the traditional way and students studies into the internet era. So, teachers may face problems in exam. students with the using of technology ans with the texting of English language. They can improve their language very well but they can't wrote this language into their examination answer. They can't present them self as well as in exam.

English language has many types like Indian, American, African, British etc.. David tell us that language is changed by technology. According to the David Crystal, texting is good for English language, but some are do not agree with his idea, and at the last but not least David said that more use tecgnology and improve your literacy.

Thank you.....

Sunday, 7 January 2018

Can Technology Replace The Teachers?

Can Technology Replace The Teachers?

Dear readers, 
here I am sharing my views on the topic, 

'Can Technology replace Teacher?'

Image result for Can Technology Replace The Teachers?

 This topic is very debating in the education system. Nowadays in many fields we see that technology is used in many ways. Technology helps us in many ways and save the time. Mainly technology used into the company so technology taken place of humans, and humans becomes jobless. It is a disadvantage of technology. Today technology spread more than humans thinks, so in the field of literature technology taken place. Even poetry and other literature written by technology so, we forgot the humans thoughts foe years.

In the field of education we see that today's classes convert into the E-classes. In the traditional way of thinking is that the teacher was the ideal for their students, but in today's time technology can't be a ideal for the students. Technology is a machine it has no any emotions for the students. Technology also helps us into the searching about the topic related to subject. Teachers only gives guide lines to students about the subject but technology gives further reading material related to subject. Technology gives us only the dots, but teacher helps us to connect the dots and make a good picture. With the many questions teacher gives us other things to think technology does not. Teachers are more creative than the technology. Emotions and Cultural things taught by teachers not by technology.

Teacher and technology both are important for learning, with both of things student becomes smarter. Without the technology teachers gives only the idea about the things, they only can expressed their point of view in front of students. Technology helps teachers to elaborate their point of view with different ways, and with it teacher becomes strong to teach their students. 

   Image result for Can Technology Replace The Teachers?

Without the technology teacher teach into traditional way, and that is not enough knowledge for students. So that technology require into the education system but with the teachers. One more thing i have added into that technology is all about the faith. In traditional way of teaching we see that students easily accepted whatever they said. But teachers are not always correct, in some point or topic they are wrong.  Technology gives us both truth and faith. Technology is very faithful to give answers, so at that point teachers may be not require. 

There is also benefit of technology. It makes us multi -tasker, with that we do more than one work at same time. In the traditional classrooms teachers give us one task and in that time we only do that one task, but with the technology we do multi task in few time. With the traditional way of teaching students getting board and with the technology teaching becomes interesting. 

Teachers gives us instruction about the topic that where i took this point and how i connect with the subject, technology can't do this. Technology only gives us the information about the subject, it only gives us related questions and answers. So, that is why teachers are important into teaching. Teachers also need the structural formal environment to teaching, because students sometimes ask question from very beginning and some ask from the end. So, teachers suggest them to ask question step by step, in technology students get benefit to ask question from anywhere it gives you answer. 

So, to conclude my point of view towards, can technology replace the teachers?  my answer is that both are required in education system, so i am in support of both, without teachers technology is nothing and without teacher is nothing.

Thank you... 

Paper nom-15 Presentation

To Evaluate my Presentation click here   Presentation 15 from Drashti Nagla