Can Technology Replace The Teachers?
Dear readers,
here I am sharing my views on the topic,
'Can Technology replace Teacher?'

This topic is very debating in the education system. Nowadays in many fields we see that technology is used in many ways. Technology helps us in many ways and save the time. Mainly technology used into the company so technology taken place of humans, and humans becomes jobless. It is a disadvantage of technology. Today technology spread more than humans thinks, so in the field of literature technology taken place. Even poetry and other literature written by technology so, we forgot the humans thoughts foe years.
In the field of education we see that today's classes convert into the E-classes. In the traditional way of thinking is that the teacher was the ideal for their students, but in today's time technology can't be a ideal for the students. Technology is a machine it has no any emotions for the students. Technology also helps us into the searching about the topic related to subject. Teachers only gives guide lines to students about the subject but technology gives further reading material related to subject. Technology gives us only the dots, but teacher helps us to connect the dots and make a good picture. With the many questions teacher gives us other things to think technology does not. Teachers are more creative than the technology. Emotions and Cultural things taught by teachers not by technology.
In the field of education we see that today's classes convert into the E-classes. In the traditional way of thinking is that the teacher was the ideal for their students, but in today's time technology can't be a ideal for the students. Technology is a machine it has no any emotions for the students. Technology also helps us into the searching about the topic related to subject. Teachers only gives guide lines to students about the subject but technology gives further reading material related to subject. Technology gives us only the dots, but teacher helps us to connect the dots and make a good picture. With the many questions teacher gives us other things to think technology does not. Teachers are more creative than the technology. Emotions and Cultural things taught by teachers not by technology.
Teacher and technology both are important for learning, with both of things student becomes smarter. Without the technology teachers gives only the idea about the things, they only can expressed their point of view in front of students. Technology helps teachers to elaborate their point of view with different ways, and with it teacher becomes strong to teach their students.

Without the technology teacher teach into traditional way, and that is not enough knowledge for students. So that technology require into the education system but with the teachers. One more thing i have added into that technology is all about the faith. In traditional way of teaching we see that students easily accepted whatever they said. But teachers are not always correct, in some point or topic they are wrong. Technology gives us both truth and faith. Technology is very faithful to give answers, so at that point teachers may be not require.
There is also benefit of technology. It makes us multi -tasker, with that we do more than one work at same time. In the traditional classrooms teachers give us one task and in that time we only do that one task, but with the technology we do multi task in few time. With the traditional way of teaching students getting board and with the technology teaching becomes interesting.
Teachers gives us instruction about the topic that where i took this point and how i connect with the subject, technology can't do this. Technology only gives us the information about the subject, it only gives us related questions and answers. So, that is why teachers are important into teaching. Teachers also need the structural formal environment to teaching, because students sometimes ask question from very beginning and some ask from the end. So, teachers suggest them to ask question step by step, in technology students get benefit to ask question from anywhere it gives you answer.
So, to conclude my point of view towards, can technology replace the teachers? my answer is that both are required in education system, so i am in support of both, without teachers technology is nothing and without teacher is nothing.
Thank you...
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